Mr Bruff’s Guide to Grammar 2nd Edition – eBook


Spelling, punctuation and grammar count for up to 1/3 of your final grade at GCSE. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to develop your writing skills. Each section ends with a test to see how much you’ve improved.

Second Edition – GCSE self-study revision guide. Suitable for supplementing a KS3 programme of study.


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Second Edition – GCSE self-study revision guide. Suitable for supplementing a KS3 programme of study.

Year 7 students are starting secondary school with a better knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar (or EGPS as it’s been rebranded) than ever before. This lively guide, brimming with fascinating facts and grammar jokes, revises and builds on Key Stage 2 knowledge, providing a pathway through Key Stage 3. It can also be used at Key Stage 4 as a self-study aid or to support a taught programme of revision and consolidation. As well as examining the nuts and bolts of the English language, this guide contains examples from literature to illustrate why writers make grammar choices.


Chapter 1: Sentence Functions and Punctuation Basics

Declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences. Capital letter, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark.

Chapter 2: The Active and Passive Voice

Subject, verb, object

Chapter 3: Nouns

Irregular spellings and plurals. Concrete, abstract, proper and collective nouns. Compound nouns. Noun phrases

Summary. Common mistakes with articles. Less/fewer. Amount/number

Chapter 5: Interjections

Summary. Punctuation with interjections

Chapter 6: Verbs

Main, auxiliary, modal. Subject and verb agreement. Tenses. Spelling of past and present participles. Irregular verbs. Split infinitive. Double negative. Verb phrases

Chapter 7: Verb Phrases in Tenses and the Conditionals: Quick Reference

Summary of the tenses. Summary of the conditionals

Chapter 8: Pronouns

How pronouns can improve your writing. Relative pronouns. Non-defining and defining (identifying) clauses with relative pronouns. Reflexive pronouns

Chapter 9: Adjectives

Commas in lists. Compound adjectives. Adjective (or adjectival) phrases. Comparative and superlative adjectives

Chapter 10: Prepositions

Types of preposition. American and British English prepositions. Prepositional phrases. Difference between a noun phrase and a prepositional phrase

Chapter 11: Adverbs

What’s an adverb? Spelling rules. Adverbs and adjectives. Comparative and superlative adverbs. Adverbial phrases. Difference between adverbial phrase and prepositional phrase

Chapter 12: Simple Sentences

How to make a simple sentence. Why do I need to know about them?

Chapter 13: Minor Sentences

How to make a minor sentence. Why do I need to know about them?

Chapter 14: Compound sentences

How to make a compound sentence. Coordinating conjunctions. Why do I need to know about them? Compound sentences with semicolons. Compound sentences with semicolons and transition words (conjunctive adverbs). Compound sentences with colons. Co-ordinating conjunctions in literature

Chapter 15: Complex Sentences

What’s a complex sentence? Subordinating clauses with (1) non-finite verb; (2) relative pronoun + finite verb; (3) subordinating conjunction + finite verb. Revision: identifying and non-identifying embedded subordinate clauses. Complex sentences in literature

Chapter 16: Multi-clause Sentences

Chapter 17: Compound-Complex Sentences

Chapter 18: Paired (or Correlative) Conjunctions

Chapter 19: Common Mistakes with sentences 

Runaway sentences, spliced commas, Oxford comma

Chapter 20: Paragraphs, Advanced Paragraphing Skills, Discourse Markers

Indenting and blocking paragraphs, structuring a paragraph, advanced paragraphing skills, discourse markers

Chapter 21: Homophones, Spelling Rules and Common Mistakes

What are homophones? Commonly confused homophones. Useful spelling rules

Chapter 22: Prefixes and Suffixes

Commonly confused prefixes and suffixes

Chapter 23: Punctuation (I)

Revision of the comma & other uses of the comma. Apostrophe of omission. Apostrophe of possession. It’s and its. Apostrophe with time and quantity. Brackets. Hyphen. Dash. Ellipsis

Chapter 24: Punctuation (II)

Speech marks, quoting speech, quotation marks for quoting, other uses of quotation marks, asterisk, colon, semicolon

Chapter 25: Rhetorical Devices

The Basics: CREEP RRR. Counterargument. Rhetorical question. Emotive language. Exaggeration. Pronouns. Rule of three. Repetition. Reflection. How to structure a good speech

BONUS CHAPTER! Stretch and Challenge Rhetorical Devices

Types of humour (verbal irony, situational irony, dramatic irony, satire, parody). Anaphora. Anadiplosis. Antithesis. Asyndeton. Chiasmus. Epistrophe. Parallelism. Polysyndeton. Tricolon

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